Foursquare Location Based Cross Sells

Today I went to Trader Joe’s and I checked in using Foursquare. Twenty seconds later a message popped up on my screen:


A cross sell based on my check in location! This is the next generation of social media + commerce. Geo targeted ads and deals based on location and check in preferences.

I also started a Hobby site for finding deals on Foursquare, Gowalla and Yelp. Check out Check In Deals for the latest deals on your favorite “check in” service

How To Add a Optin or Lead Capture Form to Your Facebook Page

Adding an Aweber email optin (or any email html capture form) is relativity easy on Facebook. It requires you to add an application to your Facebook Fan page or Facebook Business page.
The steps:
1. Go to Facebook and search for the application FBML (Static FBML)
2. Add to page
3. Go to your page
4. Edit page – click the pencil and then edit
5. Get the form HTML code
6. Past into the fBML application
7. Save
8. Choose FBML from boxes

Hope that Helps!

Adding A WordPress Blog to Your Facebook Page

This video will show you how to import your blog posts into your Facebook page. This works only on fan pages and not personal accounts.

Note: This import function will work with any blog that has an RSS Feed and not just WordPress blogs.

Facebook Strategies for Business

1. Facebook Tagging for Networking Your Brand
This allows you to have your post appear on someone else’s time line (much like Twitter), which gives you more exposure.

2. Facebook Pages and Widgets for Growing Your Brand
Do you want to grow your personal account to 5,000 and then start a fan page or start a fan page and keep your personal account for closer more personal connections.
As soon as you get 25 fans you can have a custom name.

3. Facebook Real-Time Search for Monitoring Your Brand
This feature allows you to keep track of your brand inside your network, the greater Facebook community and the web.

Source Mashable:

Free Social is Coming! will be the next generation of the web. What is BuddyPress?

From their website:
“BuddyPress is a set of WordPress MU specific plugins, each plugin adding a distinct new feature. BuddyPress contains all the features you’d expect from WordPress but aims to let members socially interact.”

BuddyPress will do for social networking, what wordPress did for blogs. Click here for some sneak peeks at the interface.

I really like the look and feel of BP. I can’t wait to get my hands on a stable version…