Happy Birthday Gary Vaynerchuk Brett Favre As A Jet

I took this picture of the very first snap Brett Favre took as a Jet!


Hello world! Version 3.0 (Beta)

Traffic is Gold (Version 3.0) is my personal web site dedicated to the study of a wide variety of online traffic sources and monetization.

In the past I have focused heavily on SEO/SEM. I still believe search engine traffic is a wonderful source of targeted traffic but it’s not the only source of traffic I get in my network of site. It represents approximately 35% of my total traffic.

Not all traffic sources are equal. Some convert at a much higher rate and some sources can be sustained over a long period of time while other sources flare up and fade fast, digg.com traffic.

Therefore, just like with an investment strategy, you should not put all your eggs into one basket. Diversify for security and long-term growth. This blog will reflect this strategy in terms of traffic and revenue generation. Here is a quick list of some of the traffic sources I will focus on.

• SEM (PPC, Yahoo PI, etc…)
• Running Affiliate Programs
• Web 2.0 community site traffic Digg, Stumbleupon
• Targeted online Media Buys
• Building lists
• “Domaining”
• Wordpress software.
• Blog webrings
• Blogs are hot now but what about wikis? Will they be even hotter?

I want to share what I can about my traffic generation methods and learn as much as I can from others accomplishments. The value of the content I create and the community interaction will determine the success of this blog.

I look forward to learning, teaching and sharing.