Excluding Pages In The WordPress Sidebar

WP_video_tutorial.gifI created a [tag]Youtube[/tag] video to show how you can exclude a page from showing up in the [tag]Wordpress[/tag] sidebar of your blog. I did a quick search on [tag]Google[/tag] for a [tag]plug-in[/tag] but was not able to find anything. If anyone knows of a plug-in please post on the blog.

The first thing you will need to do is edit the sidebar.php file. Do a search for the following function: [tag]wp_list_pages[/tag].

Next you will need to find the post ID for the page you want to exclude. Once you know this you will add this “&exclude=5” to your wp_list_pages function.

Example: <?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&title_li&exclude=5’); ?>

Once you have modified and saved your file then upload to your server and the page will be updated.


Future Posting In WordPress (Video)

This is a simple how to video on future posting in [tag]WordPress[/tag]. Why would you want to [tag]future post[/tag]? There are several reasons. You may work a full time job where blogging is not an option. Therefore, you write several posts on your off time and “future post” them through out the week. Maybe you are going on vacation and want your readers to have fresh content even when you are miles away from a computer, sipping a Corona, getting a tan on some white sandy beach in [tag]Mexico[/tag]. In any case, future posting is simple in the WordPress interface.

Here are the steps:
1. First write your post like normal
2. Before you publish set the date and time you want the post to appear.
3. Publish the post
4. The post will not appear until the date and time you designated