Video: How to Add Your Tweets to LinkedIn

How to Add Your Twitter Tweets to LinkedIn Status Profile Adding your Tweets to your Linkedin profile is easy to do. You no longer need third party applications to connect these two powerful social media sites.

This video will show you step by step, how to add your Tweet stream to your Linkedin profile status update.
One word of caution, if you tweet a lot you should select the option that only shows tweets that have the following #in tag (hash tag) in the tweet. Otherwise you run the risk of annoying people with your constant updates. I see this time and time again on Facebook. However facebook has a great hide feature. So if people tweet too much I just hide them.

Hope that Helps!

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Linkedin Tutorial Improve Group Email CTR

Making Your LinkedIn Group Communications more effective.
I am a power user of LinkedIn and I belong to many groups. I like to receive email updates of activity in the groups I belong to. Today I want to give a tip on how to get more people to click through (CTR) on your email notifications.

LinkedIn Profile Organizer Overview Tutorial

LinkedIn’s Profile Organizer allows you to save important profiles into folders to return them later.
This will help you “bookmark” and annotate with comments quality candidates, sales leads, potential business partners, JV’s, etc…
Linkedin is a powerful business tool. This new feature is a premium service, which means it does cost money. However, there is a free no credit card trial available.

Hope that Helps!